Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Birthday Reflection

What an incredible birthday I had this year.  I am so thankful and so grateful for the amazing people I have in my life.  It was such a memorable birthday for me.  Babe..for all your thoughtfulness..all your effort...everything you did for me..thank you so much. I had the most amazing massage..a beautiful candlelit dinner with a view of Los Angeles..anddddd...got a brand new digital camera to bring you new flossy photos of my jewelry.  I cant thank you enough!!! Booboo..obsessed as you know with my kindle.  It is the most incredible device ever! I love you so much! You are my best friend, my angel, and my inspiration. <3 My mom..you made my wish come true.  I got what I wanted this year.  I had everyone I wanted with me..I was surrounded by so much love..that I was humbled by all of you. I love you guys so much and appreciate every single one of you..everyone that showed up for me last night..everyone that wished me a Happy Birthday..it was such a special day.  Cheena..my cupcakes were delicious..and I am rockin my new scarf today! Thank you! Marina, Sammy, Kelly, Debbie, Heather, Nat, Erin, Dina, Jason <3 <3 If I forgot to mention anyone..you are not forgotten...Im still recovering =) 

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