Monday, November 14, 2011

Theres a quote I once read as a kid that has always stuck with me and ran through my mind at certain points in my life. "Many people will walk in and out of your life, but only true friends will leave footprints on your heart" Spoken by Eleanor Roosevelt.  
If you stop to think about all the people, all the strangers, all the souls that we encounter on a daily basis..whether it be the guy at the coffee shop where you get your morning coffee, or the lady in the car next to you at the red light, your coworkers, your friends, your family.  We have so many interactions with so many people and so many of them occur too quick for us to stop for even one second to think about it.  Then..there are those interactions..that are so random, so unplanned, and yet somehow become so meaningful. I believe everyone that enters your life..whether they re passerby's and are in and out..or if they linger for awhile then disapear...all come in for a reason.  We learn something from each person that enters our lives.  I guess..a lesson to be learned for well as others is to never dismiss anyone too quickly.  A lot of times, we may not be in the mood to be social, or in a talkative mood to engage in conversation with a stranger, but sometimes you need to force yourself to step outside your comfort zone and let someone in.
I did...a few times..couple times I got burned..but..couple times I got blessed.  I have been so blessed with so many wonderful, eccentric, talented people in my life.  I pride myself on the amazing people I am surrounded by.  Everyone is so different, so unique, and so inspiring. I will forever cherish the wisdom and strength I have received from one of the special people that have entered my life.  The inspiration from my best friend, and the love I have received from many others. The random guy at the bar that I got into an arguement with over the Boston Celtics & The LA Lakers, someone I thought I'd never see again ...someone I didnt think twice about insulting, the same someone who is now my boyfriend and one of the most amazing men that have entered my life <3.
Let this be a lesson never know who's passing you open ..and greet everyone with a smile. =)

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