Friday, October 28, 2011


"Get up, Get Fly, Dress how u want 2 be addressed! When u look the part\ feel the part ,u become the part! "
Rev Run!

We have one life, one shot, one opportunity, to make a mark on this world.  Take the plunge, live your life! I find that so many people live in fear.  Fear of the unknown, fear of being different, and most commonly fear of failure.  If we're miserable at our jobs, in a relationship, or just feeling unfulfilled..why not QUIT? Why not leave and seek out something fulfilling. Something that gives us purpose, and a reason to get up and go to work every morning, a reason to push harder, a reason to keep going.  Why?...Because we're scared..scared we wont find another job, scared the pay wont be good, scared we wont find love, scared of being alone, scared of instability, scared of chaos.  You want to be gotta ease up on the fear.  We're going to be ok..we always are.  God is looking down, and he's rooting for you.  Make your dreams come true!


I plan to..and I hope to see you wearing my bracelets as you live out your dreams. 

Food for life.



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