Tuesday, December 6, 2011

My inner Martha Stewart is taking over. Homemade stockings. Who needs 50 dollar monogram stockings when you have 3.99 Fabric paint from Michaels. 

Let the filling of the stockings begin! 
Happpppy Happy Holidaysss! <3 <3 <3 

Thursday, December 1, 2011

 Its beginning to look at lot like Christmas!  Being Jewish I've never fully enjoyed the benefits of Christmas.  Christmas has always been my most favorite holiday and time of year.  Around this time, it just seems like people are happier. People smile more...and for some reason around this time of year it just always seems like theres something special in the air.  Santa..I know you're up there..I feel you! I've never really celebrated Christmas.  I mean I've always done the gift exchange and card thing, maybe the occasional Secret Santa or holiday party..but on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day..I was always either working or..at home watching a movie, a Christmas movie that is.  This mainly occurred because my family doesn't celebrate Christmas, so what to do when everyone celebrates with their family..watch HOME ALONE! BUT NOT THIS YEARRRRR..<3 <3 <3 The season officially began yesterday evening. The first holiday party hosted by the beautiful Ambie.  What an amazing evening.  I always feel so blessed when I am surrounded by my Fred's girls.  So much positive energy in the air, so much love, and so much appreciation.  

"The only blind person at Christmas time, is he who has not Christmas in his heart"
Helen Keller

<3 I hope everyone has a blessed and safe holiday season.  I'll keep you posted on all the fun festivities. 

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Birthday Reflection

What an incredible birthday I had this year.  I am so thankful and so grateful for the amazing people I have in my life.  It was such a memorable birthday for me.  Babe..for all your thoughtfulness..all your effort...everything you did for me..thank you so much. I had the most amazing massage..a beautiful candlelit dinner with a view of Los Angeles..anddddd...got a brand new digital camera to bring you new flossy photos of my jewelry.  I cant thank you enough!!! Booboo..obsessed as you know with my kindle.  It is the most incredible device ever! I love you so much! You are my best friend, my angel, and my inspiration. <3 My mom..you made my wish come true.  I got what I wanted this year.  I had everyone I wanted with me..I was surrounded by so much love..that I was humbled by all of you. I love you guys so much and appreciate every single one of you..everyone that showed up for me last night..everyone that wished me a Happy Birthday..it was such a special day.  Cheena..my cupcakes were delicious..and I am rockin my new scarf today! Thank you! Marina, Sammy, Kelly, Debbie, Heather, Nat, Erin, Dina, Jason <3 <3 If I forgot to mention anyone..you are not forgotten...Im still recovering =) 

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Beads, Bracelets, & BESOS! =*)

All I wanna do..is play with beads, create, and design!..Is that so bad? <3

Loving that color scheme..it's coming together and I'm so excited.  Thank you to everyone who has been so supportive!

Monday, November 14, 2011

Theres a quote I once read as a kid that has always stuck with me and ran through my mind at certain points in my life. "Many people will walk in and out of your life, but only true friends will leave footprints on your heart" Spoken by Eleanor Roosevelt.  
If you stop to think about all the people, all the strangers, all the souls that we encounter on a daily basis..whether it be the guy at the coffee shop where you get your morning coffee, or the lady in the car next to you at the red light, your coworkers, your friends, your family.  We have so many interactions with so many people and so many of them occur too quick for us to stop for even one second to think about it.  Then..there are those interactions..that are so random, so unplanned, and yet somehow become so meaningful. I believe everyone that enters your life..whether they re passerby's and are in and out..or if they linger for awhile then disapear...all come in for a reason.  We learn something from each person that enters our lives.  I guess..a lesson to be learned for myself..as well as others is to never dismiss anyone too quickly.  A lot of times, we may not be in the mood to be social, or in a talkative mood to engage in conversation with a stranger, but sometimes you need to force yourself to step outside your comfort zone and let someone in.
I did...a few times..couple times I got burned..but..couple times I got blessed.  I have been so blessed with so many wonderful, eccentric, talented people in my life.  I pride myself on the amazing people I am surrounded by.  Everyone is so different, so unique, and so inspiring. I will forever cherish the wisdom and strength I have received from one of the special people that have entered my life.  The inspiration from my best friend, and the love I have received from many others. The random guy at the bar that I got into an arguement with over the Boston Celtics & The LA Lakers, someone I thought I'd never see again ...someone I didnt think twice about insulting, the same someone who is now my boyfriend and one of the most amazing men that have entered my life <3.
Let this be a lesson learned..you never know who's passing you by...be open ..and greet everyone with a smile. =)

Friday, October 28, 2011


"Get up, Get Fly, Dress how u want 2 be addressed! When u look the part\ feel the part ,u become the part! "
Rev Run!

We have one life, one shot, one opportunity, to make a mark on this world.  Take the plunge, live your life! I find that so many people live in fear.  Fear of the unknown, fear of being different, and most commonly fear of failure.  If we're miserable at our jobs, in a relationship, or just feeling unfulfilled..why not QUIT? Why not leave and seek out something fulfilling. Something that gives us purpose, and a reason to get up and go to work every morning, a reason to push harder, a reason to keep going.  Why?...Because we're scared..scared we wont find another job, scared the pay wont be good, scared we wont find love, scared of being alone, scared of instability, scared of chaos.  You want to be happy..you gotta ease up on the fear.  We're going to be ok..we always are.  God is looking down, and he's rooting for you.  Make your dreams come true!


I plan to..and I hope to see you wearing my bracelets as you live out your dreams. 

Food for thought..one life.